There are other Worlds… but they are in this one

Hay otros mundos... pero están en este
There are other Worlds… but they are in this one

For the first time the best journalists specialized in historical enigmas and strange phenomena are gathered in a single volume, along with a group of scientist and adventurers, to show their best investigations in fields such as UFOs, paranormal phenomena, lost civilizations, great misteries of archaeology or the real origin of myths like El Dorado.

in this book you will find articles of two astrophysics, five psychologists, an engineer, two criminologists, a doctor, two historians, a geologist, three barristers, a sociologist, six journalists, a theologist, a linguist, an ex-sailor of the Spanish Armada, together with other authors. It’s an exceptional selection of 40 authors chosen with a multidisciplinar intention, thinking in the most demanding of the readers.