Interview in Galician Radio, about the scientific study done on the shawl that alledgedly belonged to Katherine Eddowes.
La Rosa de los Vientos – Interview about Aaron Kosminski
It seems we have the last try to pull our leg with pseudo news related to Jack the Ripper. This time they try to sells us that the case is solved: Aaron Kosminski is the East End murderer. Heck, no! Between the great Silvia Casasola and I we try to demosntrate that this is not true in La Rosa de los Vientos, last sunday. You can listen to the excerpt of the program here:
Interview about Jack the Ripper & the Zodiac – El Sótano Sellado
Excerpt from the special program “This is the Zodiac Speaking” from “El Sótano Sellado” (The Sealed Basement). We recommend to listen to the whole 12 hours of the broadcast, because it’s a masterpiece of radio in which difficult issues are addressed, with rigurosity and objectivity, but without morbidity.
Presentation in Zaragoza of “Jack the Ripper: open case”
Presentation in Zaragoza of the essay book Jack the Ripper: open case, written by Yvan Figueiras Ruiz and winner of the VII International Prize of History Juan Antonio Cebrián.
Accompaning us is the always great Carlos Ollés.
Jack the Ripper: open case
Jack el Destripador: caso abierto is the most comprehensive investigation work in spanish about the crimes that terrorized London’s Eat End in the fall of 1888.
Nowadays we know the profiles of these women that became victims of a double edged sword: the victorian society that marginalized them and turned them into pariahs, leaving them to suffer alcoholism, misery and forced prostitution; and the hand of a killer that used the gutters of that same society to murder them freely.
The work, winner of the VII Juan Antonio Cebrián Prize, dives into the crime scenes turning the spotlight on the suspects files, evidence, press report of the era, victims’ biographies, social context and the most recent investigations, turning the reader into a real detective.
The Enigmas of Easter Island – La Clave Oculta
Interview for La Clave Oculta (The Hidden Code) in Vox FM. Program directed by Miquel Figueroa. We had some fun talking about my favourite topic: Easter Island and all its enigmas and mysteries.
Submarine Nuclear Apocalyse – La Voz del Viento
Moisés Rojas interviews us again, this time about submarines, the Cold War and how close Humanity was to bring forward the Sixth Extinction in october 1962, during the widely know “Cuban Missile Crisis”.
Mysteries of Easter Island – La Voz del Viento
Interview in La Voz del Viento (The Voice of the Wind), directed by Moises Rojas about Mata ki te Rangi, “The Eyes that Look to the Sky”.
Science & Fiction: Robots with feelings
Science and Fiction, a section of the radio program Dimension Limite, dedicated in this occasion to robots and the possibility that one day they would develop real feelings. Press the link to download the program.